I counted over 100 players that I created in previous roster files that were of no use for the 1996-1997 roster file and I am now re-editing them into usable players for that season now. For example there is no reason for me to have a player Nikolai Zherdev sitting somewhere in the AHL in the 97-98 roster file taking up space when I can simply just turn him into an actual player who played that season like old man Jari Kuri. You see once you reach 600 players you can get around it by editing players that are of no use for the roster file they are in. Once NHL 18 comes out I hope to create the 16-17 roster and 15-16 roster in that game to open up some roster files on NHL 17 to continue my project. Created Goalies and created teams were never close to a issue for me. After nearly a year's worth of doing this in my free time I was able to get to where I am now. I always managed my roster files carefully( you have a limit of 15 files) so I knew I could copy my latest roster file onto the next empty space and pick up exactly where I lefted off. I broke it down each season individually using hockey database and Wikipedia as my main references for rosters and retired players. The playoff teams and Canadian teams were the ones I put the most effort in, however I made sure all teams had their stars, secondary players and goalies on their roster. If they didn't have a long career and they were on a tire fire expansion team I just simply ignored them. If I was two forwards or a defender off of finishing their roster I usually just took some no name guy from a European league and adjusted his overall a bit and put him on their roster.Ī lot of those teams had guys I couldn't bother to make as they were mostly fringe nhlers who got no more than a cup of coffee in the big leagues. My rosters are fairly accurate, but I did cut some corners for some of the teams that were complete tire fires like the Blue Jackets, Thrashers and early 2000s Blackhawks. I hope at least some of this will make sense lol I really enjoyed your 90s series I actually was looking at your photos the other day when I had to make the early to mid 90s sharks and blues jerseys they are pretty bang on great job Anyway, bear with me as this is sure to be a long messy explanation.